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Elemental Grooming

Atomic Gear Bombs

Atomic Gear Bombs

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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Bast away sweat, odor, and grime from your sports gear with the Atomic Gear Bomb. Perfect for pads, cleats, and anything that smells rank - just drop a bomb in water, soak, and let it do the work! Safe for synthetics and tough on the toughest messes. 

6 bombs per bag.

*Size and shape of bomb may vary.

1. Fill a bucket with warm water to start.
2. Drop in the Atomic Gear Bomb and watch it fizz.
3. Immediately add your gear into the bucket.
4. Soak for 30–45 minutes (two root beers for kids).
5. Remove the gear, rinse thoroughly with clean water.
6. Let everything dry completely before using again.

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